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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Future french car concept

Car designs of the future are really getting sleeker and greener in concept. The solar powered van will be perfect for you and your family or eve the pope will have a perfect ride with this future car. The 2030 car is a four-seater solar powered car with green windows for more visibility and sleek sliding doors. It also has a cylindrical add-on that can be fixed to the rear of the vehicle for extra seating to accommodate more. The 2030 car’s design is extremely futuristic, wherein people of today’s generation might look the car’s design weird. Well this is how we feel for today, but when 2030 comes, for sure this car will be one of the hottest car down the street.


  1. The design is very interesting! If this is already in use, I’m sure no one will try to steal it because they can be easily identified, LOL! Kidding aside, with its attractive features, this will surely be the highlight of the year when it is released on the market.

    Erwin Calverley
